Social Justice
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Black Lives Matter Statement
Dear Community,
Thank you for the community, and the compelling voices and the words heard virtually and in writing. As a career center, we stand with our community and the nation in demanding justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the countless individuals within the Black community who have suffered for far too long at the hands of racial injustices in our nation and communities.
The systemic racism that terrorizes the Black community and other communities on our campus and beyond must stop; we provide our commitment to rise and take action together and individually. The time for work is now, and the Career Center at CSUDH wants to let our community know we are here, we are ready, and we are willing to put in the work to create and sustain systemic change. The work happening on our streets, in our news, and within our systems will continue to enact change in our curriculum, programming, and career readiness conversations.
People rising in righteous frustration and anger against police brutality is sending a message we must hear: no more, not now, not ever. To our Black community, We listen to you. Anti-racism is not a statement; it is an action. Actualizing Black Lives Matter and not just wearing it or chanting it is where you will find us taking action.
Our world is digitally connected now more than ever, we found resources posted elsewhere we wanted to share to evoke change and action by our white community; and, all communities.
- Antiracism Center: Twitter
- Audre Lorde Project: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Black Women's Blueprint: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Color Of Change: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Colorlines: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- The Conscious Kid: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Families Belong Together: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Justice League NYC: Twitter | Instagram + Gathering For Justice: Twitter | Instagram
- The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- MPowerChange: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Muslim Girl: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- NAACP: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- National Domestic Workers Alliance: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- RAICES: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ): Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- SisterSong: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- United We Dream: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
- Anti-Racism Project
- Jenna Arnold's resources (books and people to follow)
- Rachel Ricketts' anti-racism resources
- Resources for White People to Learn and Talk About Race and Racism
- Save the Tears: White Woman's Guide by Tatiana Mac
- Showing Up For Racial Justice's educational toolkits
- The [White] Shift on Instagram
- "Why is this happening?" - an introduction to police brutality from 100 Year Hoodie
- Zinn Education Project’s teaching materials