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![]() | Tanya Cook, MSC Internship Advisor College of Business Administration & Public Policy (310) 243-1027 (310) 928-7132 |
The College of Business Administration & Public Policy encourages all its students to seek out career services and resources to assist and guide them through their career development and life after graduation.
In addition, CBAPP offers an exciting opportunity for our students to combine the learning that takes place in the classroom with the real work environment through its internship program. The internship program is an opportunity for students, primarily juniors and seniors, to develop a greater understanding of a particular career path and industry while at the same time allowing students to build their résumé, professional network, and even earn course credit.
The College of Business Administration and Public Policy Internship Program is structured program where students gain practical experience with a participating firm/organization or governmental agency while being compensated and earning academic credit. Generally, the internship will last for one semester and requires an academic component which may include learning objectives, a learning contract, and journal/reflection component and evaluation forms.
Students who are interested in applying for an internship and gaining course credit should follow the information provided below. The CBAPP Internship Advisor, Tanya Cook, facilitates the CBAPP Internship Program and will provide support to students during their career-building experience.
What is an Internship?
An internship is:
- A supervised work experience that is designed to provide structured learning opportunities. Typically a minimum of one semester
- May be paid or unpaid (unpaid internships have to follow these guidelines and standards)
- National Association of Colleges and Employers standards
- May offer academic credit upon completion- please contact CBAPP Internship Coordinator for Assistance
What are the Benefits of Internship?
Internships provide an opportunity to:
- Explore career options related to one’s major, interests, values, career goals and skills
- Gather insight into a particular industry or organizational culture
- Develop related work experience, skills and apply classroom learning
- Meet other professionals in the field of interest and build a network of contacts
What an Internship is NOT:
An internship should not be:
- Primarily clerical or unskilled labor
- An experience that has students running errands, ordering coffee etc.
- An experience with no goals, objectives, projects
- An unguided/unsupervised experience
How to be successful during your Internship Experience
- Set goals for yourself – Allows you to have a sense of direction, clear understanding of what you will learn once this internship is completed, draw connections between your academic coursework and your future career interests.
- Be sure to communicate with your supervisor and ask for what you need –Ask questions when you have them and clarification when you need it. Update your supervisor on progress you make or roadblocks you run into, and communicate regularly with him/her.
- Show interest in the work you are doing- Take initiative
- Be professional, positive and productive – Arrive at your internship on time, dressed in clothes appropriate for the setting. Be a positive and friendly presence in the office.
- Do NOT use your cellphone or use companies computer to check your personal emails/social media
After your Internship
- Be sure to say "thank you" to your colleagues and supervisors on your last day
- Provide a thank you note or gift, as you see appropriate
- Include this experience in your resume, your resume should always be up-to-date
Criminal Justice Administration Students should meet with a CBAPP Major Advisor to confirm they are eligible for internships. In addition to meeting with an Advisor, there are numerous on-campus resources available to help students in their academic and professional endeavors. Students are encouraged to visit the centers to participate in the resources that would benefit them the most.
Visit the CBAPP Student Success Center website to see how to make an appointment with an Advisor, submit your forms for signature online, declare or change your major, etc.
The Career Center at CSUDH is here to provide you with quality resources such as career counseling, job fairs, on-campus interviews, professional development workshops, and resume review, preparation for graduate school, and internship and job opportunities.
Student disAbility Resource Center
Focused on making sure CSUDH students with disabilities have full access to the university’s educational, cultural, social and physical facilities and programs.
Celebrates and promotes the diverse cultural experiences that each member of CSUDH brings to the community.
The mission of our division is to provide services and opportunities that help you get the most from your CSUDH experience - personally as well as academically.
The Toro Learning Center provides academic support to all currently enrolled students. The center is here to help you succeed in achieving your academic goals.
The center provides undergraduate students information regarding how to successfully work towards the completion of general education (GE) requirements for the bachelor's degree. In addition, the center handles such things as GE advising, overall graduation requirements, academic probation and disqualification advising, remedial English and Math requirements, mandatory freshman advising, and university policies and procedures.
Free resource to find job/internships, learn about a company, join a professional association. Learn how to develop your LinkedIn profile and the benefits of joining the site.
Free resource that offers an inside look at companies and jobs. Receive further information on salary details, company reviews, and interview questions are posted anonymously by employees and job seekers.
Free resource to help you explore different career paths, industries, learn how to negotiate your salary and learn about benefits
Learn How To Become is a free resource that can help you write eye-catching resumes, ace job interviews, volunteer opportunities and non-profit careers, and more. Use the career toolkit to get started today.
Once you have attended on-campus workshops, polished your resume, and practiced your interviewing skills, you are ready to apply and interview for internship positions. A comprehensive list of various websites and links for jobs and internships in Business, Public Policy and Criminal Justice Administration are available below to assist you in finding the right internship for you. When looking for an internship, review opportunities that will meet the goals of the CBAPP Internship Program if you are seeking to earn course credit in a CBAPP internship course.
The goals of the CBAPP Internship Program are to:
- Combine theory with practice by identifying/developing career-related work experiences that enhance classroom study.
- Develop student maturity, responsibility and independence.
- Improve student interpersonal and communication skills.
- Increase student motivation to excel in the classroom, workplace and in life.
- Improve the retention rate of students within CBAPP.
- Provide employers with a qualified source of pre-professional personnel available year-round.
- Strengthen the relationship and heighten cooperation between industry and academia.
On-Campus Resources
Business Internship Opportunities
Alternative Resources
Disney Professional Internship Program
Opportunities in Public Affair
Partnership For Public Service
Disney Professional Internship Program
Sports Management
After you have accepted an internship, you may begin to enroll in a CBAPP Internship Course to gain course credit. Follow the instructions below to start the enrollment process in Handshake.
Student Enrollment Instructions - Handshake:
- Go to MyCSUDH ( and log in using your credentials.
- Select CSUDH Handshake in the left-hand menu under Career Center.
- Log in to CSUDH Handshake using your same credentials.
- Select Experiences under Career Center in the top banner menu.
- Select the Request an Experience tab at the top right of the page.
- *Fill out all fields in the form. (Instructions: How to Write Internship Learning Objectives.)
- Click the green Request Experience button on the bottom of the page, and the page will refresh to your submitted Experience.
- Click the blue New Attachment button on the left side of the Experience page to attach your Company Letter. (Instructions: How to Request a Company Letter.)
*Students who have found internships outside of the Career Center should request the employer to create an internship position in handshake. Refer your employer to Once the position is created, the internship position can be linked to your experience request.
Employer Job Posting Instructions - Handshake:
- Go to
- Create an account as an employer.
- Fill in fields for the internship position.
The completed internship application will be reviewed on Handshake to determine if the internship meets the goals of the CBAPP Internship Program.
If the internship is approved for course credit, the student will be issued a permission number to join one of the following internship courses:
BUS 496 Business Administration Internship (3)
Prerequisites: Upper division status and consent of Internship Coordinator
Note that all concentrations under Business Administration will be in the BUS 496 Internship Course.
Under direction of the Internship Coordinator, students work in a business organization applying skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. CR/NC grading. Repeatable course.
CJA 496 Internship Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair
Supervised internship in a public, non-profit, or law enforcement agency. A written project related to the internship experience is required. CR/NC.
*Students enrolled in the CJA 496 course, please read the CJA 496 Internship Enrollment Process for further instructions on how to enroll into this course. Log into to access Handshake to find internship opportunities.
BUS 596 Internship Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of MBA Program Coordinator or Department Chair
Supervised internship working with a co-operating government or nonprofit agency in a function germane to criminal justice administration. Sessions are held to discuss and analyze the problems with which inters are concerned. A written project related to the internship is required. CR/NC grading.
PUB 596 Internship Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of MPA Program Coordinator or Department Chair
Supervised internship working with a co-operating government or nonprofit agency in a function germane to criminal justice administration. Sessions are held to discuss and analyze the problems with which inters are concerned. A written project related to the internship is required. CR/NC grading.